terça-feira, 8 de outubro de 2019

Medicinal Plant - Pariri or crajiru (Arrabidea chica )

Arrabidea chica 

Medicinal Plant - Pariri or crajiru

This plant became famous in the city of Mateus Leme, Minas Gerais, Brazil; for being used with leukemia treatment by a dentist (W.S.) who obtained the cure. According to him, tea is used to prevent falling and increase platelets, hemoglobin, red blood cells, and consequently leukocytes. Another benefits according to him: It increases the physical resistance, the appetite, and the general disposition. Side effects caused by chemotherapy and radiotherapy are clearly diminished and also act as an anti-inflammatory. It can also be used in the treatment of dengue as it slows down its effects and reduces the duration of the disease. Another recommendation is to have a complete blood count before starting treatment and another after 10 or 15 days to confirm or not its effectiveness. He recommends infusing 7 leaves for a cup of boiling water only once a day. You can use this plant on your own but guidance from a professional with knowledge in herbal medicine is recommended.

It is also indicated for anemia, conjunctivitis, skin disorders, albuminuria, intestinal colic, diarrhea, blood diarrhea, enterocolitis, wounds, hemorrhage, uterine inflammation, jaundice impinges, leukemia, dengue, low platelets.

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